Pre-business (Exploratory Professional)

If you're interested in an undergraduate major under the McCoy College of Business but have not met the admission criteria, you can declare a Pre-business (Exploratory Professional) major. The University Advising Center assists pre-business students with planning schedules, meeting the admission requirements for the McCoy College of Business, and identifying strategies for success.
If you're interested in a major in the McCoy College of Business, contact our office to discuss your options.
Information about the McCoy College of Business
Admission Requirements
If you're interested in a major under the McCoy College of Business, confirm that you understand their admission requirements.
Click here for the admission requirements.
Application Process
After you complete the McCoy College admission requirements for the McCoy College of Business, you'll need to submit an application. Click here for the online application.
Major and Career Information
Click here to learn more about majors in the McCoy College of Business.
Creating a Parallel Plan
Some people may call a parallel plan your "Plan B" or "alternative plan." But, a parallel plan is much more than that!
To find out more about how to create your parallel plan, click here.